What do you know about your Chakras

Do you find yourself trapped in a toxic relationship, whether it be with yourself or a significant other? A relationship where safety and security seem like distant dreams, forever out of reach? Does the struggle to manifest abundance and thrive in life weigh heavily on your shoulders? Are you constantly burdened by absorbing the energy and problems of others? Perhaps your emotions tend to overpower you, leaving you feeling vulnerable and overwhelmed. Are boundaries a constant challenge, leaving you with little time to nurture your own needs? Are you a perpetual "yes" person, always putting others before yourself? Do you constantly doubt your own abilities, second-guessing every decision you make? Is self-love a foreign concept, leaving you closed off to receiving the love and abundance that you deserve? Does speaking your truth and finding forgiveness feel like an insurmountable task? Are you paralyzed by indecision, unable to make choices even when your very life depends on it? Does the world around you seem devoid of goodness, leaving you feeling disconnected and spiritually adrift?

If any of these resonate with you, then this course is an oasis of hope and healing, tailor-made for your unique journey.

During my early years, I encountered my first traumatic experience when I fell out of my mother's car and found myself in the midst of rush hour traffic. This incident triggered a sense of vulnerability and fear, activating the instinctual responses of fight, flight, and freeze within me. This trauma affected various chakras within my energy system, including the Root, Sacral, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras.

The second traumatic event happened when I was in my late teens. My Mom and Dad were going on a vacation, so I decided to go. No one else wanted to go. We went to Cancun Mexico. Out to dinner at a restaurant that turned into a nightclub after we ate, some locals came up and asked if they could take me out on the island. My mother said yes, and off I went with complete strangers on an island where I didn’t know anyone or speak their language. The next thing I knew I was on a bed staring up at a man on top of me, then a different man was on top of me. I couldn’t scream or move my arms or legs. So, I lay there crying. Crying because I had no idea at the time I was getting raped. I was crying so hard, I wasn’t sure I was ever going to see my family again. It was morning and they got me dressed things are still a little fuzzy to me from the trauma. I remember getting put on a moped but I wasn’t sure where they were going to take me. I kept getting screamed at but couldn’t understand what he was saying as I didn’t know Spanish. He dropped me at the entrance to the hotel. I don’t remember getting off the moped, I do remember how long it took me to walk. My Dad was calling my name behind me. As I turned around he started yelling at me. He had been looking for me all night. He thought that I was out having a great time all night. Not noticing the discoloration of my face and the dried tears on my cheek. He brought me to the room. Where my Mother was standing in the bathroom curling her hair. I felt punched in the gut by that vision. My dad all night looking for me my mom curling her hair. I suppressed everything that happened to me. For one I didn’t really know what happened to me. Things were so fuzzy I had a hard time believing anything happened to me. When we got back I would have flashbacks every once in a while. In fact, I had them on and off for many years. They can’t be less frequent when I started working in Yoga, and even less frequent when I began working with my Chakras.

The third exposure I had to trauma was as a young adult going to college. I was being groomed by a man who was my professor he represented a father figure to me. This man would visit the restaurant where I worked with his wife sometimes. He really tried hard to get to know me. He had my attention because he simply treated me like a daughter. He was very strict with me with regard to schoolwork. He would check up on me when he would show up at the restaurant always telling me to get home after work and get my homework done immediately. I trusted him, I looked at him as a role model for a Dad. I didn’t have much interaction with my own father. I appreciated this. I needed guidelines and consequences. Then one day he asked me to come to his room after class to work on my project. I did when I got there I saw another student working on his. Then when he got up to leave I started to feel a little uncomfortable, the energy in the room changed for me. I had a hard time focusing, I felt like he was staring at me. I couldn’t see because his desk was behind me. I heard him get up and felt my heart drop. He went to close the door. That is when I really felt nervous. Then all of a sudden I felt the back of my hair get pulled back and felt his lips on mine. I was so mad at myself for ignoring my gut feelings and letting this happen again. I had a jock reaction of getting up and walking out but he kept getting in my way. I honestly don’t remember how I got outside. I don’t even remember getting to my car. I called my boyfriend and just started crying. He drove to the college and went to the room. What happened after that I don’t remember. When trauma happens to us our minds bury it to help protect us from feeling. I am no doctor but this is how I felt at the time.

In this course, you will have the opportunity to explore and understand your own chakras, identifying the areas where trauma resides and discovering methods to heal and restore balance. Throughout my personal journey, I have dedicated myself to sharing my story and assisting individuals worldwide in reconnecting with their bodies and achieving healing. Regardless of age or gender, everyone has the potential to heal and reclaim their lives.

The success I have experienced in my own healing journey has inspired me to create this course. It brings me immense satisfaction to offer this course to individuals who genuinely seek healing and transformation. In the comfort of your own home.

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